The most tender part of the beef is the tenderloin. This is where we get the filet mignon and chateaubriand. The tenderloin extends from the short loin (pointy end) into the sirloin, often referred to as the butt tender. Beef tenderloin should only be cooked using dry heat like grilling/BBQ or broiling.
- PRODUCT NAME Whole beef tenderloinSIZE/PACK SIZE
- PRODUCT NAME Whole beef tenderloin denuded (trimmed)SIZE/PACK SIZE
- PRODUCT NAME Beef tenderloin roastSIZE/PACK SIZE
- PRODUCT NAME Beef butt tenderloinSIZE/PACK SIZE
- PRODUCT NAME Beef tenderloin medallions (fillet mignon)SIZE/PACK SIZE
- PRODUCT NAME Bacon wrapped tenderloin medallionsSIZE/PACK SIZE